5 Solutions for Geting Rid of Backne

5 Solutions for Geting Rid of Backne

By: Dr. Powell

The summer is the worst time to have back acne. Not only does it not look great, it can also be painful. Many people have this problem especially since it can occur at any age, not just the awkward teens. The good news is that there are effective ways to treat back acne. Here are five things to consider when thinking about treating Backne:

1. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliating is the best way to prevent back acne. Just like on your face, your back has more sebaceous glands and it produces more natural oils. Therefore, you are likely to develop body acne on your back. When you exfoliate regularly, you get rid of the dead skin cells. We carry some great options for acne cleansing here.

2. Moisturize

After having a deep-cleansing wash, you should moisturize. If your skin is prone to acne, you should not skip moisturizing. Moisturizing allows your cells to turn over and not dry out. You should look for a light moisturizer that is easily absorbed and not thick and greasy. I love the Elta Skin Recovery Light Moisturizer, and if you have acne you will too!

 3. Laser treatment

Laser treatment for acne uses light to break up the scar tissue. The back acne treatment reduces the appearance of acne. You need to consult a dermatologist to determine if the laser treatment is for you.

Laser treatment can help clear your skin. However, it will take time before you see results. You’ll also need multiple treatments to get rid of the back acne completely. The infrared light removes excess oil and treats the pimples. A board-certified dermatologist will help you choose the appropriate laser depending on the scars. LED lights get rid of breakouts and improve your skin’s texture. The LED red light also improves collagen formation.

4. Chemical peels

Chemical peels can provide results in mild to moderate cases of backne. The more mild ones can do well with a medicated body wash or wipe-on pads, while the more moderate to severe cases may have to come into the office to get the appropriate chemical peel. Our providers are some of the most experienced professionals in the industry and with a quick evaluation will be able to pick the perfect peel and peel strength for you. Chemical peels contain ingredients such as alpha that works by sloughing dead surface cells. It also increases cell turnover and reveals fresh skin. When you use chemical peels, your skin can become sensitive. Therefore, it is crucial to take special care of your skin and apply sunscreen. Chemical Peels are a great way to jump start your skin both on the back or face, into a healthier direction!

5. Micro-needling

This is a treatment that tricks the body into healing itself! With micro-needling, tiny needles are stamped onto your skin to stimulate the creation of (more) collagen. The needles penetrate at different levels to stimulate wound healing. We don't recommend doing micro-needling at home, not only will you need help to reach some areas, you can't get the same results that we can in office. The needling devices sold online often don't go to the depth they need to and the needles become dull quickly. So instead of micro-injuries you can do your skin a lot of harm as you almost scrape the top layer off. Ouch! It’s really is advisable to go to a dermatologist to have the procedure done, you don't want to cause scarring or pigmentation irregularities from doing it home. 

 For mild cases you may be able to get away with treating it at home with high-quality skincare. But, often times we can help you clear it faster if you come in for a consultation. Depending on your insurance company, it might even be covered. Call your preferred office to learn more about your options!

David Powell, MD

Meet Dr. Powell

Dr. Powell has been practicing dermatology since 2001. He practices in 3 locations including  SBA dermatology in Houston and Sanova Dermatology in Baton Rouge and Lafayette!
He graduated from Tulane University School of Medicine in 1993 after receiving a full scholarship from the United States Navy. Dr. Powell completed his internship in Internal Medicine at Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, Virginia, and his United States Naval Flight Surgeon training at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida… Read his full bio here.

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